October 22, 2024

BJP ready for J&K assembly polls, says BJP

BJP ready for J&K assembly polls, says BJP

KNO Correspondent

Kupwara, Dec 26 (KNO): Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) Tuesday said that they are ready for legislative assembly elections and the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is to make the valley a paradise again with no hartal and civilian killings.

Applauding the genuine concerns of Prime Minister Narendra Modi towards the Jammu and Kashmir Waqf Board Chairperson Darakshan Andrabi, as per news agency—Kashmir News Observer (KNO) said the PM Modi had announced in 2014 at SKICC that central government would make Kashmir a paradise once again.

And that has come true with peace, development, and prosperity returning to the Valley after the last 30 years. “Killing culture and hartals have come to an end in Kashmir valley,” she said.

Condemning the killing of a senior police officer at Gantamulla Baramulla, BJP general secretary Ashok Kaul said it is very unfortunate that people who served this nation for almost 4 decades lost their lives in such attacks.

He said that no religion accepts the killing of anyone and that too while giving a call to prayers.

Kaul said that the government will hold an inquiry into the incident. “I am hopeful that those involved will be identified and likely be eliminated. It is very evident and the government is working on it,” he added.

He stated that they don’t keep rivalry with anyone nor is there any enemy to the BJP party.

About, elections he said that BJP will also gear up for polls once there is any announcement about it—(KNO)


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