July 4, 2024

Weather Update till 25th April in J&K Possibility of a shower in a few areas Hailstorm and Gusty Winds possible…

Weather Update

21 April:
Possibility of a shower in a few areas towards afternoon and evening. Hailstorm and Gusty Winds possible.

22 April:
Possibility of a shower in a few areas towards afternoon and evening. Hailstorm and Gusty Winds possible.

23 April:
Mostly dry weather. Possibility of a shower in a few areas towards late afternoon and evening. Hailstorm and Gusty Winds possible.

24 April
Possibility of a shower in a few areas towards afternoon and evening. Hailstorm and Gusty Winds possible.

25 April:
Mainly dry weather.

On all days, weather should remain dry for most of the period. On a couple of days, a short thundershower is possible.

It is suggested to complete Orchard spraying in the early morning to allow ample time for drying in case of a shower in the later part of the day.

Forecast Insights: Kashmir Weather


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