July 7, 2024

Watch How Stray Dog Attacks on Auto Seats Raise Safety Concerns in Srinagar’s Fateh Kadal Neighborhood

Watch How Stray Dog Attacks on Auto Seats Raise Safety Concerns in Srinagar’s Fateh Kadal Neighborhood



By :- Aijaz Rather

14/04/2024 (JKNN) In the bustling streets of Srinagar’s Fateh Kadal area, a peculiar and concerning trend has emerged, as stray dogs have been targeting auto-rickshaws, causing damage to their seats.

What began as sporadic incidents has now escalated into a significant safety concern for both commuters and auto drivers alike.

Reports from local residents indicate that the stray dogs, previously known for occasional nuisance behaviors such as scavenging and barking, have now turned their attention to auto-rickshaws parked in the area.

These dogs, driven perhaps by hunger or territorial instincts, have been seen biting and tearing at the seats of parked autos, leaving behind costly damage and posing a threat to the safety and livelihoods of those dependent on these vehicles.

The situation has become particularly alarming as commuters and auto drivers have reported instances of aggression from the dogs, indicating a potential escalation in their behavior.

Local residents and auto drivers have voiced their concerns, urging the authorities to take swift action to address the issue.

An appeal has been made to the administration to implement measures to curb the stray dog population in the area and ensure the safety of both residents and commuters.



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