July 4, 2024

Today’s Maximum Temperatures Recorded in Kashmir with Srinagar and Kupwara recording the highest temperatures at 34.6°C.

Today’s Maximum Temperatures Recorded in Kashmir

These temperatures indicate a warm day across the region, with Srinagar and Kupwara recording the highest temperatures at 34.6°C. Even the usually cooler areas like Pahalgam experienced relatively high temperatures.

Srinagar: 34.6°CQazigund: 34.0°CKupwara: 34.6°CKukurnaag: 33.4°CPahalgam: 29.1°CAnantnag: 33.6°CPulwama: 34.1°CBandipora: 33.2°CBaramulla: 33.4°CBudgam: 33.5°C

Compiled By: Kashmir Weather Forecast



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