July 7, 2024

Temperature so far in November:For Srinagar:

Temperature so far in November:
For Srinagar:
Average Maximum Temperature so far = 16.2°C
Normal = 16.0°C
Average Minimum Temperature so far = 2.0°C
Normal = 1.0°C

Conclusion: Temperatures are slightly above normal this year in November. So, no early onset on winter. In fact, this year’s November is far better than the previous years.
(And the same goes for October)

Between 01 November and 17 November in 2017, Jhelum at Sangam was flowing at minus (-) 0.75 ft. During the same time Jhelum at Ram Munshi Srinagar was flowing at 3.10 to 3.15 ft.
The current water level in Jhelum at Sangam is (minus) 0.06 ft.
At Ram Munshi Bagh Srinagar, it is 3.75 ft.

Conclusion: Jhelum has witnessed low water levels in the previous years. Compared to other years, conditions this November are quite better.

Precipitation in October and November so far:
Between 01 October and 24 November, Jammu and Kashmir has witnessed 115.0 mm of rainfall against the normal rainfall of 59.5 mm, which is +93% excess rainfall.
It is 55% excess rainfall in Anantnag, 27% excess rainfall in Srinagar, and 41% excess rainfall in Ganderbal district.

Conclusion: J&K this Autumn has witnessed excess rainfall.

Regards: Kashmir weather


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