July 7, 2024

Struggling to Pay Children’s School Fees: Batamallo Road Vendors’ Cry for Help Amidst Water Woes

Struggling to Pay Children’s School Fees: Batamallo Road Vendors’ Cry for Help Amidst Water Woes

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By Aijaz Rather

03/03/2024 : (JKNN) The vendors along Batamallo Road find themselves in a dire situation, one that demands urgent attention and action from the authorities. Their plea to the government reflects not only their struggles but also their resilience in the face of adversity, as stated by Naseer Sofi while talking to JKNEWS-NATION.

As raindrops begin to fall, the vendors’ livelihoods are abruptly disrupted. They lament that their work comes to an abrupt halt with just a few drops of rain. This plea is not just about inconvenience; it’s about survival. The accumulation of water in their vendors’ zone paints a grim picture of the challenges they face daily.

Despite continuous appeals to the government, their cries seem to fall on deaf ears. They express frustration at the lack of response and assistance, highlighting their feeling of being abandoned and ignored by those in power. The consequences of this neglect are dire. Unable to work, the vendors struggle to provide for their families, pushing them further into hardship and uncertainty. The accumulation of water not only affects their livelihoods but also poses health risks and disrupts daily life for an extended period.

Compounding their woes is the absence of a de-watering system, leaving them at the mercy of nature’s whims. As rainwater accumulates, it stagnates, creating a breeding ground for disease and further exacerbating their plight.

In the face of such adversity, the Batamallo Road vendors’ resilience shines through. Their appeal is not just a cry for help but a call to action. It is a plea for the government to acknowledge their plight, to listen to their concerns, and to take concrete steps to address the underlying issues.

As they navigate through these challenging times, the vendors remain hopeful that their voices will be heard, and their struggles will not go unnoticed. They stand united, determined to persevere and overcome the obstacles that threaten their livelihoods and well-being.

The vendors express their distress over the inability to afford their children’s school fees. They urge authorities to expedite the resolution of issues in the vendor zone.

The vendors allege that the government relocated us from the streets to bus terminals, assuring us of support and pledging to develop our vendor zone. However, these promises turned out to be deceitful. After 40 to 50 years later, we were lifted from the streets and placed into bus terminals.and none of the assurances made to us have been honored to date.



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