July 4, 2024

Srinagar’s Neglected Iddgah paid Park: Immediate Action Needed for Cleaning and Repair….

Srinagar’s Neglected Iddgah Park: Immediate Action Needed for Cleaning and Repair”

Deteriorating Conditions at Idgah Srinagar’s Famous Paid Park in Smart city

Urgent Call for Restoration of Idgah Srinagar’s Neglected Paid Park

Srinagar, May 28, 2024 — (JKNN) The famed Idgah park in Srinagar, a designated smart city, is facing severe neglect, leaving local residents and visitors dismayed.

Once a popular spot for families and children, the park’s deteriorating condition has rendered it almost unusable.

Broken play equipment poses safety hazards, while overgrown grass and litter contribute to an unwelcoming environment.

Parents express frustration as children struggle to enjoy the park, with many deeming it unsafe due to the poor maintenance.

Community members

calling on authorities to take immediate action to clean and repair the park, emphasizing the need for a swift response to restore this vital recreational space. The public hopes that timely intervention will bring back the park’s former charm and usability, benefiting all who visit.



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