September 8, 2024

SMC Authorities Urgently Appeal to Shopkeepers to Clear Footpaths for Pedestrian Use in Srinagar

SMC Authorities Urgently Appeal to Shopkeepers to Clear Footpaths for Pedestrian Use in Srinagar

12/09/2023 : (JKNN/ST)
In a bid to improve pedestrian safety and accessibility, SMC authorities have issued a heartfelt appeal to shopkeepers today, urging them to refrain from displaying their merchandise on the city’s footpaths.

The move comes as part of a broader effort to ensure that footpaths are exclusively reserved for pedestrians .

officials have stressed that the footpath is designated for pedestrian use and should remain unobstructed to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all citizens.

They have called upon shopkeepers to collaborate in this collective effort to maintain the integrity of public spaces.



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