June 30, 2024

Magical Horse Carriage Rides Around Dal Lake: A New Attraction on Kashmir’s Foreshore Road, chariots offering rides around the scenic Dal Lake..

Magical Horse Carriage Rides Around Dal Lake: A New Attraction on Kashmir’s Foreshore Road


Majestic Horse-Drawn Carriages on Kashmir’s Foreshore Road: An Enchanting and Joyful Experience Around Dal Lake Our reporter, Rafi Sufi, engaged in a detailed conversation with Umer, the owner of the charming horse-drawn chariots offering rides around the scenic Dal Lake.

Umer expressed immense gratitude for the support received from various authorities.

“We are very thankful for the help from SSP Traffic, DC Srinagar, SHO Nishat, and other authorities. Their assistance has been invaluable in getting our operation up and running.

We currently have permission for 3 to 4 riders at a time, but at the moment, we have one horse ready for the rides.

“Umer shared that the public’s response has been overwhelmingly positive.

“People really enjoy this ride. The white horse, in particular, is a big hit. Many visitors take pictures with it, and some even kiss the horse.

To ensure the cleanliness of Foreshore Road, we have fitted the horse with a special bag to prevent it from soiling the area with its droppings.

This is crucial as the area is part of the Smart City project.”Maintaining the horse in prime condition is a significant daily expense, costing at least 1000 rupees.

“The horse requires a daily shampoo bath to keep it clean and presentable for our visitors.

We are committed to providing a unique and enjoyable experience and plan to further modify and improve this ride in the future,” Umer stated confidently.

His plans for the future aim to enhance the overall experience, ensuring that the horse-drawn carriage rides continue to bring joy and a sense of wonder to all who visit Dal Lake.

Speaking to JK News Nation, Umer highlighted the special connection people have with the horse and the joy it brings.

The rides offer a blend of tradition and modernity, capturing the essence of Kashmir’s beauty and heritage.

This delightful experience is not only a treat for tourists but also a testament to the region’s rich cultural tapestry.
Umer also shared, “We took out a loan to start this business, with an initial cost of at least 10 lakh rupees per horse. I was educated but unemployed and decided to start this venture to make a living and contribute something unique to the community.




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