Illegal Car Parking Plagues Srinagar, Residents Appeal to Authorities for Urgent Action”

Illegal Car Parking Plagues Srinagar, Residents Appeal to Authorities for Urgent Action”
27/03/2024 (JKNN)
Residents across various neighborhoods in Srinagar, including the Awanta Bhawan area, are raising alarm over the pervasive problem of illegal car parking.
Look at this child, he’s struggling to even pull out his bicycle because of illegal car parking.”
This issue not only jeopardizes safety but also severely hampers accessibility, especially during emergencies. Faced with blocked roads and restricted movement, residents find themselves in precarious situations where timely access to essential services, such as medical care, becomes increasingly challenging.
The accompanying image vividly portrays the chaos, with roads impassable and even children encountering obstacles in navigating the congested streets.
In light of these concerns, residents are fervently appealing to the authorities for immediate intervention. They stress the urgent need for enforcement measures to address illegal parking and restore order to the community. With their ability to move freely compromised, residents emphasize the critical importance of ensuring unimpeded access during emergencies. Despite repeated appeals, the silence from authorities only deepens residents’ frustration and highlights the pressing need for swift action to alleviate this ongoing issue.