October 18, 2024

IGP Kashmir Held Meeting Over Law & Order, Security Challenges In Valley

IGP Kashmir Held Meeting Over Law & Order, Security Challenges In Valley

Srinagar, November 09:(GNS) Police on Thursday said that an interactive meeting with DIG ranges and District SP’s was held by newly joined IGP Kashmir V. K Birdi today in the afternoon. The district and range heads of Kashmir Zone were directed to focus on quality investigation in terror crimes and narco-terror related cases to dismantle terror ecosystem.

In a handout to GNS, the police said that IGP Kashmir stressed upon the officers to ensure the improvement in overall working of Policing at Police Station and sub-divisional level with refinement in record building and investigation.

According to police spokesman, he stressed upon the officers to make good public relations and focus on people sensitive policing. Addressing public grievances should be the top most priority of valley Police besides their operational and crime related commitments.

He stressed upon transparent and efficient Policing with coordination with all sister agencies in the valley, reads the statement.(GNS)


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