July 2, 2024

Heatwave: Today’s Maximum Temperatures : The highest temperature recorded today is in Shopian, reaching 32.0°C. Here is a detailed list of the maximum temperatures across different Areas

Heatwave: Today’s Maximum TemperaturesThe region is experiencing a significant heatwave, with temperatures soaring in various cities. The highest temperature recorded today is in Shopian, reaching 32.0°C. Here is a detailed list of the maximum temperatures across different Areas and Srinagar City:

Heatwave: Today’s Maximum Temperatures

Srinagar City = 31.6°C
Kupwara= 30.2°C
Qazigund= 31.6°C
Kokarnag = 30.2°C
Pahalgam= 27.1°C
Baramulla = 30.5°C
Bandipora = 31.4°C
Budgam = 31.5°C
Pulwama= 31.9°C
Anantnag= 30.7°C
Shopian = 32.0°C

Shopian: 32.0°C (Highest)Compiled By: Kashmir Weather Forecast


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