Government Instructs All DCs, SSPs & HODs To Grant Leave To JKAS Candidates Appearing in Mains Exam 2023

Government Instructs All DCs, SSPs & HODs To Grant Leave To JKAS Candidates Appearing in Mains Exam 2023
Srinagar, Mar 24 (GNS): Government of Jammu and Kashmir on Sunday instructed all Deputy Commissioners, Senior Superintendents of Police and respective Heads of Departments to grant leave to candidates intending to appear in JKAS Mains Exams 2023.
“Representations have been received from various in-service candidates who are not being granted leave to appear in the Combined Competitive (Mains) Examination, 2023, which is scheduled to take place w.e.f 26.03.2024 to 03.04.2024, in view of their engagement in various assignments including election related duties,” remarked a communique by Deputy Secretary to the Government Akshay Rajan to all Deputy Commissioners, Senior Superintendents of Police and Heads of Departments, a copy of which lies with GNS.
“The matter has been examined and it has been desired to advise all the Deputy Commissioners/SSsP and HODs to allow the in-service candidates wishing to appear in the said examination, subject to sanction of leave.”
“Accordingly, I am directed to request you to kindly permit the in-service candidates, working under your administrative control, to appear in the Combined Competitive (Mains) Examination-2023, which is scheduled from 26.03.2024 to 03.04.2034”, reads the communique further. (GNS)