July 7, 2024

Joint Awareness Program on Access to Justice and Rights of Undertrial Prisoners Organized by District Legal Services Authorities

By Zia Shakeel

District Legal Services Authority Srinagar & District Legal Services Authority Budgam in a joint effort, organized an awareness program on Access to Justice at Pre-Arrest, Arrest,Remand Stage & Rights of Undertrial Prisoners at Central Jail Srinagar.

The programme aimed to educate the Jail Inmates about their rights and entitlements at various stages of the criminal justice system, including during pre-arrest, arrest, and remand. The programme covered topics such as bail, parole, and furlough, with the objective of enabling the prisoners to navigate the legal system effectively.

Mr. Shahrooq Bhat, Deputy Legal Aid Defence Counsel, DLSA Budgam, spoke about the access to justice at pre-arrest, arrest, and remand stages, highlighted the significance of seeking legal aid and assistance. He also emphasized the importance of parole and furlough, explaining the procedures and benefits associated with these provisions.
Ms. Urba Rashid, Assistant Legal Aid Defence Counsel, DLSA Srinagar, emphasized the rights of under trial prisoners and the importance of plea bargaining in the criminal justice system. She stressed that awareness of their rights is crucial for prisoners to navigate the legal system effectively.
The awareness programme was a significant step towards empowering jail inmates with knowledge of their rights and facilitating their access to justice. District Legal Services Authority Srinagar and Budgam have reiterated their commitment to providing legal aid and assistance to the marginalized sections of society, including prisoners. The authorities believe that such awareness programmes will go a long way in promoting the cause of justice and ensuring that the rights of under trial prisoners are protected and upheld.



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