July 7, 2024

Cold Snap Update: Minimum Temperatures Show Signs of Improvement in Jammu and Kashmir” Area-Wise Available

Cold Snap Update: Minimum Temperatures Show Signs of Improvement in Jammu and Kashmir” Area-Wise Available

“Some improvement in minimum temperatures is observed in most places in Jammu and Kashmir.

Minimum Temperatures Recorded in Kashmir:

Srinagar: -1.5°C
Pahalgam: -1.5°C
Kokarnag: -2.3°C
Shopian: -3.5°C
Anantnag: -1.7°C
Kulgam: 0.0°C
Khudwani: -0.8°C
Pulwama: -2.2°C
Baramulla: -1.2°C
Ganderbal: -1.6°C
Budgam: -1.5°C
Bandipora: -1.2°C
Compiled By: Kashmir Weather Forecast”



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