July 7, 2024

Boost Your Child’s Health Today with Pulse Polio Immunisation Drive,Pulse Polio Immunisation Drive: Safeguarding Children’s Health

Boost Your Child’s Health Today with Pulse Polio Immunisation Drive,Pulse Polio Immunisation Drive: Safeguarding Children’s Health

By: Aijaz Rather

03/03/2024 (JKNN) Today, we unite in a collective effort to fortify the health of our most precious assets – our children. The Pulse Polio immunisation drive stands as a beacon of hope, ensuring that every child receives the essential protection they need against the threat of polio.

In communities across the nation, dedicated volunteers and healthcare professionals are working tirelessly to administer an additional dose of the oral polio vaccine to children under the age of five. This vital step not only strengthens individual immunity but also contributes to the larger goal of eradicating polio from our society.

As parents and caregivers, it is our responsibility to seize this opportunity and prioritize the well-being of our children. By participating in this immunisation drive, we not only shield our loved ones from the debilitating effects of polio but also contribute to the greater good of public health.

Let us come together today, with unwavering determination and solidarity, to ensure that every child receives the protection they deserve. Together, we can build a healthier, safer future for generations to come.



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