July 4, 2024

Alert: Weather Disturbance Warning for Jammu and Kashmir,moderate to heavy rainfall during the next 48 hrs…

Alert: Weather Disturbance Warning for Jammu and Kashmir”

Weather Alert

Due to the impact of back-to-back active Western Disturbances as cyclonic circulations, Jammu and Kashmir is going to receive moderate to heavy rainfall during the next 48 hrs.
The main intensity of this weather system will be tomorrow and will continue till late night of 30th April.
On 1st May, generally, dry weather will be observed till afternoon hours, before rains make a comeback in the afternoon or evening. This short rain spell with pauses can last for around 12 hrs.


  1. A significant increase will be seen in the water level of streams and rivers. Caution is Required
    The water level of Jhelum at Ram Munshi Bagh Srinagar is already high due to the rain spells around 20th April and continued thundershower activities in the evening thereafter.
    Another reason is that the fresh snowfall in higher reaches around 20th April, which slowly melted in the subsequent days, helped to sustain the high water level in Jhelum around Srinagar.
  2. Shooting stones and landslides are very likely over Jammu-Srinagar National Highway till 01st May. Hence, it is suggested to postpone your journey till 2nd May.
  3. Zojila Pass, Sinthan Pass, Mughal Road, Sadhna Pass, Razdan Pass are likely to remain closed for traffic movement during the next 3 days at least due to fresh expected snowfall.
  4. Orchard Spraying should be postponed till 1st May.
  5. Short intense rain spells may cause flash floods in some areas, including in parts of Jammu region.
  6. A good news for tourists may be that there is a possibility of snowfall in Gulmarg and Sonamarg during the next 48 hrs.

Forecast Insights: ‘Kashmir Weather’


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