July 7, 2024

Terrorist associate held in Sopore

Terrorist associate held in Sopore

Sopore, Feb 28 (KS) : Police in north Kashmir’s Sopore town on Wednesday claimed to have arrested a terrorist associate and recovered a hand grenade from him.

An official told News Agency Kashmir Scroll, acting on a source information, Sopore Police along with 22RR and 179 BN CRPF, apprehended one Arif Hussain Bhat son of Ali Mohammad Bhat of Mundji Bomai, who was in constant contact with Terrorist handlers across the border.

The official said that during questioning, the subject admitted his terrorist links and based on his disclosure a live hand grenade was recovered.

The official said, a case FIR No. 04/2024 under relevant sections of UA(P)A has been registered in Police Station Bomie and the investigation is underway. (KS)


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