July 7, 2024

“Jhelum Riverfront Transformation Inaugurated by LG Manoj Sinha: A Boon to Srinagar’s Heritage”

“Jhelum Riverfront Transformation Inaugurated by LG Manoj Sinha: A Boon to Srinagar’s Heritage”

31/10/2023 (JKNN). LG Manoj Sinha inaugurated the Jhelum Riverfront (Right Bank) from Zero Bridge to the General Post Office (GPO).

The riverfront has been transformed into a pedestrian and cycling promenade, featuring parks, public plazas, and amenities such as toilets, seating areas, and high-quality lighting.

Srinagar Smart City Limited is also relocating electric and telecommunication utility cables underground to create a wire-free public space along the riverfront. This project contributes to the city’s rich heritage and gives it a unique identity.



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