October 16, 2024

Accident at 90Ft Road Near Pandach: Truck Collides with Electric Transformer, Causes Major Damage

Accident at 90Ft Road Near Pandach: Truck Collides with Electric Transformer, Causes Major Damage

Srinagar 16/10/2024 (JKNN) In the early hours of the morning, around 4 to 5 AM, a serious accident occurred on 90Ft Road near Pandach when a fully loaded truck bearing the number JK11 9787 lost control and collided with an electric transformer. After the collision, the truck overturned and skidded approximately 200 to 300 feet, crashing into several nearby shops and causing significant property damage.

The driver stated that a steering failure led to the accident. While there were no casualties due to the early hour, local shopkeepers faced considerable financial losses.

Residents have voiced their long-standing concerns about the transformer’s location, stating they had repeatedly requested authorities to relocate it from the roadside. However, their appeals went unheard, and the consequences were evident with this incident. “Had this happened during the day, it could have resulted in severe injuries or even fatalities,” said one local resident.

Locals are now urging authorities to take immediate action to prevent future accidents and ensure road safety.




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