September 19, 2024

NC committed to represent public aspirations and will fight for restoration of dignity of JK : Imran Shah

Anantnag August 24 (JKNN) Reiterating Party’s commitment to continue its struggle for restoration of dignity and aspirations of people of Jammu & Kashmir, senior Socio political activist and NC leader Imran Amin Shah has said that our party under the able and dedicated leadership of Qaid Dr Farooq Abdullah and Omar sahib has given a theoretical agenda which is an assurance to fight to resolve our issues pertaining to State of J&K with commitment and dedication. He was addressing a public meeting at Magreypora today.
He said that as a true soldier of the party along with workers not only respect party’s decision in making way for party’s win but will ensure to take party’s policies and agenda at gross root level to further strengthen it and said that in a democratic system a party has every right to take decision in its best interests of the people and we are duty bound to accept it and work dedicately for party’s win.
Imran Shah that we are sure that people will soon see their popular government under NC leadership to get rid of present alienation and economic chaos and the hardships which a common person these days is confronted with.
On this occasion Fayaz Ah Tarray, Nazir Ah, Rameez Ah, Younis Ah shah, Mushtaq Ah Dar and Murtaza Ah shah were also present.



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