July 7, 2024

It is with Deep Sorrow that We Announce the Passing of Mufti Showkat Ahmad QasmiInna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un

It is with Deep Sorrow that We Announce the Passing of Mufti Showkat Ahmad QasmiInna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un


16/06/2024 (JKNN) (To Allah we belong and to Him we return).

Mufti Showkat Ahmad Qasmi has departed from this world after a brief illness.

He was admitted to SKIMS Soura before his passing.

Mufti Showkat Ahmad Qasmi leaves behind a legacy of profound knowledge and dedication to Islamic scholarship.

May Allah (SWT) grant him the highest place in Jannah and provide patience and strength to his family and followers during this difficult time.



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