July 7, 2024

Enemy Recruiting Across Border for Terror Attacks, Says J&K DGP R.R. Swain

Enemy Recruiting Across Border for Terror Attacks, Says J&K DGP R.R. Swain

Fazil Mir


Srinagar, June 13 (KS):- The Director General of Police (DGP) for Jammu and Kashmir, R.R. Swain, has raised an alarm over increasing cross-border terrorism activities

Speaking to media in Jammu division as per news agency Kashmir Scroll, DGP Swain disclosed that hostile forces from across the border are actively recruiting individuals and dispatching them into Indian territory to execute terror attacks.

“Our intelligence reports and ongoing investigations reveal a disturbing trend where our adversaries are recruiting people from across the border,” DGP Swain stated.

“These recruits are being trained and equipped with the intention of carrying out terror activities within our region.”

He highlighted the need for heightened vigilance and cooperation among security agencies to counter this escalating threat.

The DGP assured the public that the police force, along with other security agencies, is committed to maintaining peace and security in Jammu and Kashmir.

“Our forces are on high alert and are working tirelessly to thwart these nefarious designs.

We urge the citizens to remain vigilant and

any suspicious activities to the authorities immediately,” he added.

The statement comes amid a backdrop of ongoing security challenges in the region, underscoring the persistent threats posed by cross-border terrorism.(KS)


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