July 7, 2024

Khyber Strengthens Team Dynamics with Retreat at SAGG Eco

Khyber Strengthens Team Dynamics with Retreat at SAGG Eco

Srinagar: The event commenced with a warm welcome and a guided tour of the village, offering
employees a break from their daily routine. One of the key highlights was a personality
test that provided valuable insights into individual strengths and areas for improvement,
fostering personal growth among participants.
It also featured sessions on Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a concept that
explores the relationship between thoughts, language, and behaviour. These sessions
aimed to help employees understand how they perceive the world and how they can
modify their perceptions to achieve desired outcomes.
The most engaging part of the retreat was the ice-breaking and team-building activities,
which were designed to strengthen relationships and promote inclusivity within the
team. These activities provided a fun experience and created a sense of unity and
camaraderie among the participants.
Khyber Industries Pvt Ltd’s team retreat at SAGG Eco Village was a resounding
success, reinforcing the company’s commitment to employee development and well￾being. Such initiatives strengthen the team and contribute to a positive work culture,
ensuring a bright future for Khyber Industries Pvt Ltd and its employees. As Khyber
Industries Pvt Ltd remains dedicated to fostering employee growth and team cohesion,
such impactful retreats will remain a cornerstone of the ongoing commitment to
enhancing employees’ skill sets and nurturing a thriving work environment for years to
come. Khyber Industries Pvt Ltd has been organising such initiatives in the past as well,
showcasing its continued dedication to employee growth and team building.


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